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Version: 3.20.3


The FusionBOX plays a fundamental role as an effective intermediary in communication between the user's machine and the Fusion environment. Its main function is to facilitate the transfer of information and data between these two entities, ensuring an efficient and secure connection. This ability to serve as a reliable communication channel is crucial to ensuring the effectiveness and smoothness of operations within the Fusion context, providing a consistent and efficient interaction between the user and the platform.

Installation of FusionBOX

After downloading the installer, click on it to run it. Then, you will need to choose the installer language. After choosing, click Ok, and you will be redirected to the installation screen. Read the information carefully for each step and click Next.


Read the terms of use, and if you agree, click "I Agree".


Click Next to continue the installation.


Click Next to continue the installation.


Select the folder where FusionBOX will be installed, then click Install.


The installation process will start, and you can monitor its progress.


After finishing, check the option to Run FusionBOX and then click Finish, as shown in the image below.


After completion, FusionBOX will attempt to connect automatically with Fusion, and once connected, it will display the screen with the Connected status.


If it fails to connect to Fusion, it will also display the status so that the user is aware of the situation.


Silent Installation and Uninstallation of FusionBOX


The silent installation allows the user to install FusionBOX in batch via network policy, such as GPOs, scripts, etc.

To perform this installation, you first need to get the FusionBOX installer on your computer.

Then, simply open Command Prompt (CMD) in Administrator mode, access the folder where the executable file is located and apply the following command:

FusionBOX_instalador_win32.exe /S /y /install


When you run the command, a second screen will appear asking for permission for this application to make changes to your device. For the installation to be successful, you must answer yes.

After that, FusionBOX will have been installed on your machine in the following path: C:\Program Files(x86)\Neomind\FusionBOX



For proper uninstallation, you must close FusionBOX (if open) and also close it in the background if it is still active for some reason.

To uninstall FusionBOX, also silently, it is necessary to access the Command Prompt (CMD) again in Administrator mode, go to the folder where the FusionBOX executable file is (C:\Program Files(x86)\Neomind\FusionBOX) and apply the following command:

Uninstall.exe /quiet /S /y


When you run the command, a second screen will appear asking for permission for this application to make changes to your device. For the uninstall to be successful, you must answer yes.

Next, to delete the folder where FusionBOX was installed, simply return to the Program Files (x86) folder and apply the command below:

rmdir Neomind /S

After confirming the command, you will be asked if you are sure of the deletion, then simply enter "Y" to confirm.



Please note that the installation folder is located in Program Files (x86). It is important to be very careful when using the previous command, because once you run it, you cannot undo the action, so the folder will be permanently deleted.

FusionBOX Settings

In the FusionBOX action arrow, three options are presented:


  • Disconnect: By selecting this option, the FusionBOX will be disconnected, preventing the signing of documents while in this status. If the FusionBOX is disconnected, the displayed option will be Connect.
  • Settings: By clicking on this option, the FusionBOX settings will be opened, allowing the user to adjust the settings as needed.
  • Exit: By clicking on this option, the FusionBOX will be disconnected and closed.

When accessing the settings, a new window will open, displaying the available configuration options for the FusionBOX. This feature provides the user with the flexibility to customize the settings according to their preferences and specific requirements.



In this section of the settings, it will be possible to review and modify data relevant to FusionBOX.


  • Fusion Server: This field will display the URL for accessing FusionBOX.
  • Enable Notification: This option allows disabling notifications generated by FusionBOX. By default, this field will be disabled, in this case, notifications will not be displayed. If you want to enable notifications, simply check this field.


When using a proxy, it's like using another computer connected to the internet that acts as an intermediary between you and the desired server. In this section, it will be possible to change relevant proxy data.


  • No proxy/Manual: These options relate to enabling or disabling the proxy. If you do not want to enable it, click on No proxy. Otherwise, click on Manual.
  • Server: Enter the IP address of the server that will act as a proxy.
  • Requires Authentication: Leave this field enabled if the proxy requires authentication. Otherwise, this field can remain disabled.
  • User: Enter the administrator user of the proxy.
  • Password: Enter the password of the administrator user.