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Version: 3.20.3


Create subjects to link to users, groups, or roles. When you add a subject to a document type, publishing that type or modification to an already published document generates a warning to linked users.

To create a new subject, go to Documents > Subjects, as shown in the following image:


Clicking Subjects displays the following screen:


Listed here are all the subjects registered in the system, as an administrator it is possible to manage them. As a regular user, you can follow subjects of interest or unfollow.

New Subject

Create a new subject by clicking New Subject:


Clicking will display the following screen:


  1. Subject Name: Create a name for the subject being created.
  2. Description: Describe the new subject.

After completing the fields, it is necessary to click Save and the new registered subject will be displayed in the subject list.


In the subject list, you can see the number of documents that were published with each subject, as shown in the following image:


You can also view the number of users that follow subject, as shown in the following image:


Subject Properties

Following Subjects

Choose the desired subject from the list and click the Follow button:


To link other users/role/groups to the subject, click the users icon in the list in the desired subject:


It will then display the following screen for selection:


On this screen, you can see which users/role/groups follow the subject. The listing is below the search field.

In Search Users/Roles/Groups, search for which user, role, or group you would like to follow the subject at hand:


When you enter the search, returns a result. To add the user to the follower list, click (+):


To undo a search on the followers screen, click the x:


To unlink a user from the follower list, click the trash can icon:


Attention: It is possible to force users to follow certain subjects, link a role/group in which the user participates and the user will not be able to remove.

If the user no longer wants to follow a certain subject, they should access the subject list and click on the Stop Following option, as shown in the following image:


Attention: The Stop Following option is hidden on the screen. When viewing the available subjects, they will have the Follow or Following option. For the Stop Following option to appear, you need to hover over the word Following.

Ordering Subjects

The subjects can be ordered according to different criteria:


  1. Name: Select to order the subjects by Name.
  2. Creation Date: Select to order subjects by Creation Date.
  3. Creator: Select to order subjects by Creator Name.
  4. Ascending: Select to have the subjects organized in the ascending format.
  5. Descending: Select to have subjects organized in descending format.

Researching Subjects

To search through subjects, enter your search under Search subjects:


To perform the search, click on the magnifying glass or press Enter.

To undo a search, click the x icon:


Subject Options

Some actions are possible on the subject, these options are in the menu of each subject:


  1. Select All: Select to have all subjects marked and you can perform batch actions such as inactivate, remove, and follow the selected ones.


  1. Edit: Select to edit the subject, then the edit screen will be available:


After making the changes, to make the editing effective, click Save.

  1. Inactivate: Select to inactivate the subject, then it will no longer generate notifications on published documents that have a document type linked to this subject.
  2. Remove: Select to remove a subject, then it will display the following confirmation screen:


To effect the removal, click Remove.

Note: If there are documents related to the subject, it cannot be removed, if the subject has only followers, it is possible to remove it from the list.

  1. Follow/Stop Following: Select to follow the subject or unfollow.

Relating a Subject to the Document Type

Even though it is not linked to a particular document, Fusion allows you to configure subjects directly in the document type, so that during the publication of a document the subject is automatically linked. With this, whenever a particular document is published, edited, or deleted, the users configured in the subject will receive notifications.

To enroll subjects directly in the document type, go to Documents > Configure > Document Types.

The subject can be linked to a document type when creating or editing a document type. To link the subject to the type, go to the Social tab, and in the Subjects field select the subjects you want to link to the document type:


To effectively link subjects to the type, click Save.

Attention: When linked to a subject directly in the document type, it cannot be removed during publication or editing of the document, but only when removed directly in the document type setting.

Entering Subjects in Document Publication/Editing

In addition to subjects that can be linked to the type of document, it is also possible to relate subjects in a document at the time of its publication or edition.

When publishing the document, proceed to the Social tab and enter the desired subjects in the Subjects field:


In editing, select the social tab, click edit, and add/delete subjects in the subjects field:


Note: Subjects added to document types cannot be deleted when publishing or editing a document.

After making the publishing/editing, users who are linked to the selected subject will be notified of the movements in the document.